May 5, 2005
New Seal vs Old Seal
I usually don't comment on some of the bone head ideas at Tech, but this one deserves some space in the trailer park.

TTU is wants to change the official Texas Tech seal.

I personally don't want to see it changed. I have always abided by the concept "if it ain't broke..don't fix it" I don't understand why Chancellor Smith is trying to change Tech. I understand Tech wants to improve their academic image not only in Texas, but nationwide as well. It feels sometimes the higher ups are always trying to be like Texas or A&M. I don't want Tech to be like them. That's what makes our university unique. Our chancellor was quoted as saying "A lot of people had a lot of extra time today," Smith said. "It was kind of ridiculous."
I am just appalled by this statement. That comment right there shows he doesn't give a rat's butt how the alumni feel.

The cotton bolls were removed from the old seal and in its place what looks to be wheat. I understand there are other agricultural endeavors in this part of the state, but the cotton industry has contributed vastly to Texas Tech. Tech is known around the world with regards to its cotton research. I think the cotton icon should be in the new seal.

And here's the hasn't been approved as of yet. The TTU Board of regents still have vote on the new seal. I hope the regents take into consideration the number of alumni who do not want the change to happen or table the vote until more input from the community has been surveyed.

If the seal is approved university departments will have to order new letterhead, stationery, etc. Several of the colleges may have to reorder new banners that are used during commencement ceremonies and other functions. This is going to cost quite a bit for the departments all over campus. I know of one who just redesigned their brochure spending hundreds of dollars and now the university is saying change it again...thus costing even more money--money they do not have to spend. What is wrong with this picture?????????

I am not against updating things...Tech did that a few years ago with the Double T. There were some people who didn't like it first (including me), but this is different. With the Double T you were just bringing it into the 21st century. With this change you are eliminating part of the TTU tradition and heritage.
