Jul 29, 2005
Jaws--My Little Jawbreaker
Went to the mall last night to get some candy from my favorite candy store..the usually stuff..jelly bellies (sour), gummy bears. I am rathered fascinated by the selection of candy they have at this store. They have something called White Trash--wonderfully delicious and highly addictive. You can eat a sucker with a worm in it and get your picture on the wall (don't have the nerve yet to do that--if i am going to eat a worm...there better be some tequilla involved). But last night I found something that shocked me to the core...a giant jawbreaker. Ok--you are probably thinking giant jawbreakers have been around for some time, but not this one..if it is has I haven't seen it in the store. It literally could break someone's jaw. If you don't believe me..check it out below

Here is your standard tennis ball...nothing special about it
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Here is "Jaws" by himself....

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and here is a comparison of them both...see "Jaws" is bigger than a tennis ball
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He will be on display till the end of month in my office.
