Jul 27, 2005
i am so not on top of things these days...pocono was good..another top 10, but no fence climbing this week for mr. stewart...

i just don't know if jeff or dale will make the chase...as in the words of Jerry Reed..."we've got a long way to go and a short time to get there..."

i know i am being a little pessimistic, but i just don't know..indy is coming up and it's one of his tracks, but ugh...come one jeff...need a top 10 here...a win or top 5 would be even better...

it is an off weekend for the cup racers...don't know what i will do on sunday...there will be an empty void...any suggestions???

oh---tony's car was on display at the home depot in lubbock back on july 19---wasn't able to go due to the fact that i was working and i was learning all about public policy, but in cased you missed it too..here are some pics.

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and the view several drivers have seen of tony's car

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