Jul 12, 2005
ever have one of those days where you just don't fell like doing anything..well today is one of those days...i dont' want to be at work..i just want to be home curled up under my tony stewart blanket watching tv...i wish i was independently wealthy then i could buy a motorhome and travel the nascar circuit..that's february-november every year..a girl can dream can't she..

yesterday was kind of cool..the slurpee is 40 years old..and 7-eleven was giving away free slupies yesterday..that's right 7.11 ounces of frozen delight and..you guessed it 7-11..HAPPY BIRTHDAY SLURPEE!!!

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Harry potter release only 4 days away..it's probably less than that, but i am not really counting the hours away..i still haven't read the 5th book..i guess i ought to get busy...for all you harry potter fans get rested so you can stand for hours at the bookstore waiting for the next book...

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the last time a harry potter book came out i spent several hours at a bookstore with my husband and good friend waiting so he could buy his copy...i will never do that again..ugh!!!--made me rethink the whole having a kid thing and i didn't realize how many geeky kids there were in the world...i guess my husband is one at heart..it wasn't like he couldn't have waited until the nxt day to purchase his book...at a decent hour for god sake...this time around we pre-ordered...that's probably what he will be doing this weekend..oh well more time for me to watch my nascar...

as i was watching some of the million hours of hurricane dennis coverage, i began to realize something..maybe living in a land lock area isn't so bad after all..ok we may have an occasional tornado, but hey those don't last for days on end...poof out of the cloud...touch down destroy a few things...and poof gone...a tornado knows how not to wear out its welcome...and poor florida..they are still recovering from last year's devastation..that's reason #236 why i don't want to live in florida...my thoughts are with those in florida as they pick up the pieces of the devastation...
