Mar 30, 2006
Big Green Book Bag
What is in the Big Green Book Bag Today, March 30, 2006?

Highlighers by the Numbers
1 pink bic brite liner grip
1 blue bic liner
3 yello sharpie accent highlighters
1 blue sharpie accent highligher
1 orange sharpie accent highligher
1 green sanford accent highlighter (looks very worn out)
1 pink sharpie acennt retractable highligher
1 blue sharpie acennt retractable highligher
1 orange sharpie acennt retractable highligher
1 red sharpie acennt retractable highligher
1 purple sharpie acennt retractable highligher
total highlighters = 13 highlighters

Pens by the Numbers
1 purple pentel RSVP
1 green pentel RSVP
1 black pentel RSVP
1 blue pentel RSVP
1 red pentel RSVP
2 mulitcolored pens (where you have 4 colors: red, blue, black & green in one pen)
2 papermate expressions
1 pen with United States Postal Service on it (given to me by husband)
1 pen advertising Collectible Sports and More (also given to me by hubby)
1 pink pilot precise roll ball pen-extra fine (almost out of ink)
1 black pilot easytouch-medium
1 green gel pen-not sure who makes it
1 blue Z-grip-medium (almost out of ink)
1 pen advertising Whitehall-Yearling High School All Call Reunion (given to me by mom)
total pens = 16 pens

Pencil Case by the Numbers
1 small clear pencil case with zipper
1 orange bic brite liner highlighter
1 turquoise pilot G-2 07 gel pen
1 case 0.5 mechanical pencil lead (several pieces still there)
1 purple pilot precise roll ball pen-extra fine (almost out of ink)
1 advertising US Army (picked up at graudate school fair last fall)
1 blue bic atlantis
1 black bic atlantis
1 purple uniball vision-fine
1 purple uniball signo gelstick
1 advertising StrengthsQuest-TTU Career Center
1 advertising TTU Career Center
1 advertising Vivid Grip Pen (picked up as a sample from pen supply place)
total items (including pencil case) = 13

Post-Its by the Numbers
4 packs post-it 1 inch flags (link, turquoise, purple, lime green)
3 paks post-it .47 in flags (red, blue yellow)
total post-its = 7 packs

Other Items by the Numbers
1 purse clip on--Stitch (purchased at Disney World)
1 Goofy mints (purchased at Disney World-have been in there since Sept '05--never opened)
1 orange paper clip shaped like a person
1 .72 oz bag of Goldfish-Chocolate Grahams 100 Calorie pouches
1 Lubbock County Jury Summons (exempt since i am a college student)
1 datebook
1 bookmark (cool thing, you can clip your pen/highlighter to it)
1 empty Brach's StarBrites Spearmint wrapper
1 empty Wrigley's gum wrapper
1 MP3 player string lanyard
1 part of cd case--small piece broken off the case
1 clip on of #20 tony stewart (attached to outside of book bag)
1 lap top computer with outlet so i can plug in the electricity
1 cordless mouse (i hate using the touchpad function on my lap top)
1 copy of In Cold Blood by Truman Capote
total other items = 15

what does this say about me?

1. "Hi, my name is Trixie and I am a office supply addict."

2. I have Macgyver tendacies. You never know when that empty gum wrapper, goofy mints , 16 pens and MP3 lanyard could come in handy.

3. I am paranoid that the pen and highlighter supply will run out.

4. I just am THAT lazy that i don't clean out my book bag.

sometimes you just have to take stock of your life
