Apr 3, 2006
monday in a nutshell
today is monday...daylight savings now into effect!

heard from old friend who lives in dfw area on sunday--it was nice to hear from him...finally got to hear the ringtone i set for him...hopefully get to see him this weekend...you know..i always make time for him when i can...how can i not...i have always thought of him as a good coming and going man...looks good going, looks good coming...he he...thanks for the memories matt.

went to work--same old, same old

had class...talked about union/collective bargaining...let me tell ya..i was on the edge of my seat...woo hoo!!!

finished straightening up house and everyone sit down and don't pass out from what i am about to tell you...my husband helped me clean the house.

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going out of town this weekend for the big redneck trip to ft. worth for the nascar races...watch out ft. worth!!

friend of ours coming into town on his way back to austin...was living in colorado...thought he wanted to stay...realized texas was a much, much better place...even if it is back to austin

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going to bed...sweet dreams everyone!
