Apr 4, 2006
Ho-Hum...ate with a spork today.

listened to a disney songs as picked by Julie Andrews...my favorite of all the songs "Feed the Birds"from Mary Poppins. "Feed the birds, Tuppence a Bag, Tuppence, Tuppence, Tuppence a Bag" (sing out loud if you must--i do)

almost time to go home--yea...have friend in town for the night...going to cook out..yum...hamburgers and hotdogs!! woo-hoo...can't wait.

don't know if this interests anyone, but Tom DeLay is done...he is quitting the House.

weird tidbit of the day....On Wednesday of this week (tomorrow), at two minutes and three seconds after 1:00 in the morning, the time and date will be 01:02:03 04/05/06. (wouldn't it do the same at 1:00 in the afternoon???)
