May 9, 2006
Admitting You Have a Problem
They always say the first step to overcoming a problem is to admit you have one...

Well--here goes...Hi, my name is Trixie and I used to be a Jeff Gordon fan. For my husband, Postman, this is not news to him...he has been trying to get me for several months to admit I have a problem. I still think it had something do to with soemthing in water here in Lubbock or the abundance of alcohol I consumed during my college days.

That's right---I rooted for Jeffy Poo..the Whiner...Mr. Rainbow Warrior himself. I have quite an extensive collection of his stuff at home. However, I cannot at this time part with my items...I have too much money invested in some of the items. I might consider selling them on Ebay one day, but at the moment, they will just have to remain in my collection. I have stopped purchasing Jeff items however. I have not worn any of my gordon t-shirts lately and if I must it is only to clean house in them--don't want to get my important NASCAR shirts dirty. All my energy has been in finding Stewart, Harvick, Sadler, and Martin (Postman's fave driver) items. But I digress...

I have seen the error of my ways and on the road to recovery. I just take it one day at time.

thank you...trixie
