May 18, 2006
Goodbyes, Season Finales, & Sole Survivor
I have watched quite a bit of telvision this week. I do watch other shows--I have to fill the time between NASCAR weekends.

Two of my favorite shows said good-bye this week--The West Wing and Will & Grace. Both finales were pretty good. I will miss West Wing more than Will & Grace however. I guess I will have to get my West Wing fix on Bravo and with my box sets.

I am a Grey's Anatomy fan. I started watching it mid way through the first season because there wasn't anything else on Sunday nights at 9. I think part of the reason I got hooked was because of Patrick Dempsey. I have always like him as an actor. My favorite movie of his "

1. Denny receives a heart, proposes to Izzy, Izzy says yes, and then Denny dies. The most poignant part of this story line...when Izzy breaks down in Alex's arms. He has been kind of jerk towards her lately, but when she needed a friend he was there for her.

2. Enough already with Meredith and Dr. McDreamy. When it looked like Meredith had moved on with Doc's vet...Derek wakes up and realizes he wants to be with Mer. I think she should have gone with Finn

3. Love George, however I don't like him with Callie. I don't know why, I just don't

4. I love Bailey--favorite line from the episode "Where are all my suck ups?"

5. Christina and Burke have grown on me. I think Christiina likes to be in control of her life and when things are beyond her control she freaks. I think she realized how important Burke is to her.

I haven't had a chance to watch the CSI or ER season finale. Postman was at union meeting and he also wanted to watch them so they were TIVOed.

Congratulations to Aras for being the sole survivor. I tried to keep up with this one as much as I could. I wanted Terry to win because he great player. However I was glad to see Aras win. He was always bringing his "A" game and I can respect that. That's why if I had been on the jury I would have voted for Aras. I really like Survivor. I have been watching them from the beginning and I probably will until they stop showing them. My favorite to date--Survivor: Australia...Survivor: Panama and Exile Island are close seconds.

Well...this weekend will be filled with everything NASCAR.

Good Luck Tony, Elliott, and Kevin!!!!
