Aug 2, 2006
I Fought the Exam and It Kicked My Ass
Go fast...turn left...don't crash! (Unfortunately, I crashed.)

You know how Tony looked after he hit the wall at Lowe's??? Well, that was me after yesterday's exam.

First of all I suffered severe brain freeze for about 30 minutes. I looked over the test and realized HOLY CRAP BATMAN--WTF! I have to complete ALL of this in 3 hours.!!! Ok. My brain went into shock trying to decide what to do. Once I calmed myself down I was able to focus.

Of course it was not an error free test that would be too easy. When your exam requires the use of computer applications there is going to be some kind of glitch. I was so frustrated I thought I would throw my computer across the testing room. I finished as much as I could. I didn't leave anything blank. So hopefully I did ok. I do have an oppotunity to complete an extra credit assignment to help boost my grade. I wasn't going to attempt this assignment (I have an "A" in the class so far), but after yesterday HELLO extra credit. As I walked out of the testing room, my head and neck were in severe pain. I am only assuming it was stress related. I can only relax today. I have a project presentation tomorrow, an extra credit review to complete, that pesky extra credit (due Monday), and my final exam on Monday. So it will be a mad dash this weekend...of course I will definitely be taking a break on Sunday. I do have my priorities to think about!!!!
