Sep 22, 2006
Friday Night Lights
Trixie radioed...

Tony was on Trackside this evening and he DEFINITELY looks relaxed. Apparently someone booed when they were showing clips of last year's Championship celebration at Homstead. Tony turned and told whoever opened their can boo all you want I already won the championship--HE HE!! That's the Tony we all know and love. Tony now has a personal trainer. Where we those interviews??? I would love to be his "personal trainer." I think Tony should be guest commentator on Trackside next year. Hey Elliott...can I come huntin' over at your place??? Can you imagine Tony AND Elliott??? What??? OK..I'm back.

(Picture note...I guess Travis just gets time in the Park, because I like this picture of Tony and wanted to put it the Park.)

Can I just say OUCH!!! Poor JJ, he crashed in practice and has to go to a back up car. That looked like that hurt JJ.

Oh, I guess I could report that Jeff Gordon won the pole for Sunday's race.

Good Luck boys!!
