Sep 15, 2006
Much Ado About Nothing
Trixie radioed...

Early in the week I mentioned Survivor would begin its new season last night. The tribes would be divided by racial makeup. I wasn't sure if I was going to watch or not. I decided to tune in to see what all the fuss was--kind of like when you drive by a car know you shouldn't look, but your CURIOUSITY gets the better of you. In my opinion, it was the same old Survivor. I still don't know if I will watch all season. I really wasn't hooked in as I have been in the past. I switched over to ABC to watch reruns of Grey's Anatomy. (Program note..NEW SEASON STARTS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21.)

But, it is now FRIDAY, and my attention will turn to NASCAR. I think Tony will surprise people. He will be racing for FUN! No points, no pressure, just sheer unadulterated FUN!!!! It has been somewhat pretty cool to have a fellow Tony Stewart fan in my office. She really liked my Tony Stewart Helmet Halloween Candy bucket so much she went and got one herself. I found mine at our local Walmart last year. They have Junior and Gordo too. Those are the only ones I have seen at our Walmart.

Those who know I follow NASCAR have asked me who I think will win this year? To be honest, it is anyone's championship. All the drivers in the Chase deserve to be there. Since Tony did not make the Chase it has been interesting to read all the media coverage of it. This happened last year when Gordo and Junior didn't make the Chase. For me it is a non-story now...all I know is that I will be at TMS in less than 7 weeks!!!!

Sidebar..I will be attending a professional conference in Indianpolis in October! Bad news...can't get over to Indy to take tour or make a side trip to Tony's home town to get a shake. But at least I will get to visit the fine city of Indianapolis.

Give 'em hell Tony and Elliott!!!!
