Dec 4, 2006
2006 Banquet
Trixie radioed...

Another weekend without NASCAR and yes I survived. The BCS bowl games have been decided. Ohio State will play Florida in the championship game. GO BUCKS! My Red Raiders will be heading to Tempe, AZ to play Minnesota in the Insight Bowl. The Cowboys pulled one from the crevices of their butts. And gutsy move (in my opinion) on Jeff Fisher to kick the field goal insted of punting in the final seconds against Indianpolis. Tennessee won. Guess Sunday wasn't too kind to the Manning boys.

I didn't go the WHOLE weekend without NASCAR. I did tune in to the banquet that was televised on TNT Friday night. Sometimes you have to get your fix from whereever you can. Overall I would just like to say, a baseball bat to my head would have been less painful. I really don't like Jay Mohr. He was trying to force his jokes and I found several of them, well, just stupid and offensive. He did have a couple dingers, but as Postman says, a blind squirrel will find a nut every once in awhile. I switched channels and watched Nick at Night after Kevin Harvick's speech.

For the most part speeches were the same old same old. I did think it was funny when Kyle called his girlfriend by his brother's wife name. And how the other drivers made fun of it throughout the night. He will probably not live that down for awhile. Kasey looked scared to death. You could tell he was using the teleprompter and his cheeks were so red. I bet he was scared those crazy Kahne ladies were going to come up on stage or something. Note to's ok and you better get used to it because you will be making a return trip to the stage.

I did TIVO the thing just in case I need to overcome a severe case of insomnia.

I am in the processing of checking out Sirius radio. How can I not be a subscriber? I mean my boy Tony has his own show.

That's all from The Park.

