Apr 12, 2007
Texas Motor Speedway
Coming out of Turn 4...

As most of you know I have not made the pilgrimage to TMS this weekend. This is depressing because I won't get to see my friend Sadler Fan and talk NASCAR as well as my other buddies I have met over the last few races. The upside...if there is one...I will be able to sit in front of my television in the comforts of my home. I won't have to be fell like a sardine sitting in the stands. I can use my own bathroom and won't have to stand in line to use a stall. Plus I don't have to pay some ungodly price for food and drinks. Despite some of the "downsides" I would rather be crammed in like a sardine, stand in line for the bathroom and pay some ungodly price for food and beverages. If you haven't attended a race in person you are missing out.

But since I can't be there, I will leave you with some pics from last November's race.

Have a great weekend Sadler Fan! Take lots of pics and say a little prayer for our boys!
