Mar 30, 2006
Car Wreck
i will be glad when this day is over

i leave from work, but choose to go a different way to get off campus because of the kenny chesney concert--didn't want to bother with that traffice. As I get onto the 19th street (main street in lubbock and very crazy at 5:00) i get into the far left lane. As i am approaching Flint Ave, I hear an ambulance and look up to see it is my lane. I get over to the middle lane because that is what people are supposed to do. Once the ambulance goes by I am wondering why my lane is not moving. Apparently there is a disabled car in my lane, but can't get over. So we are start the pull over into the right and left lanes. I unfortunately can't get over. I put on my signal to tell drivers I need to get over. Don't they see the disabled car??? talk about rude drivers? any way, i look to see if i could get over and i swear i have the space, but apparently the car was in my blind spot and WHAM! Yep, you guessed it I hit here.

Here's the ironic part---i was hit by someone a week before i was supposed to attend the nascar race last november...and guess what i have another accident one week before this race! What are the odds????

I didn't think my day could get hubby and i were going to eat and he locked his keys in his car...and then after we get the keys out and leave to go get ice cream with a friend of ours (she brought us a hanger to get the keys out), my husband drives over the cement thing in the parking space with the green neon and Ms. H knows this green neon very well. I think the kharma from the little neon has drifted over to my SUV!

it is now 8:57 pm. The day isn't over and I am now looking for the plague of locusts to fly overhead.

well--i have to meet with the insurance adjuster tomorrow at 1:00.

damage to my car
1. left front headlight completly gone (someone ran over it on 19th and dragged it down the street)

2. front corner panel and front bumper damage.

3. small corner of hood bent

damage to other car
1. right mirror on passenger said hanging off car

2. big scratch marks

we need this car for next weekend...ever try to drive more than 15 miles in a neon??? not very comfortable...we are hoping the will just put in the light and let us bring it back after next weekend to fix the other damage.

i just want to lay down, curl up into the fetal position and cry!!!!!!

hope everyone else had a better day.

Big Green Book Bag
What is in the Big Green Book Bag Today, March 30, 2006?

Highlighers by the Numbers
1 pink bic brite liner grip
1 blue bic liner
3 yello sharpie accent highlighters
1 blue sharpie accent highligher
1 orange sharpie accent highligher
1 green sanford accent highlighter (looks very worn out)
1 pink sharpie acennt retractable highligher
1 blue sharpie acennt retractable highligher
1 orange sharpie acennt retractable highligher
1 red sharpie acennt retractable highligher
1 purple sharpie acennt retractable highligher
total highlighters = 13 highlighters

Pens by the Numbers
1 purple pentel RSVP
1 green pentel RSVP
1 black pentel RSVP
1 blue pentel RSVP
1 red pentel RSVP
2 mulitcolored pens (where you have 4 colors: red, blue, black & green in one pen)
2 papermate expressions
1 pen with United States Postal Service on it (given to me by husband)
1 pen advertising Collectible Sports and More (also given to me by hubby)
1 pink pilot precise roll ball pen-extra fine (almost out of ink)
1 black pilot easytouch-medium
1 green gel pen-not sure who makes it
1 blue Z-grip-medium (almost out of ink)
1 pen advertising Whitehall-Yearling High School All Call Reunion (given to me by mom)
total pens = 16 pens

Pencil Case by the Numbers
1 small clear pencil case with zipper
1 orange bic brite liner highlighter
1 turquoise pilot G-2 07 gel pen
1 case 0.5 mechanical pencil lead (several pieces still there)
1 purple pilot precise roll ball pen-extra fine (almost out of ink)
1 advertising US Army (picked up at graudate school fair last fall)
1 blue bic atlantis
1 black bic atlantis
1 purple uniball vision-fine
1 purple uniball signo gelstick
1 advertising StrengthsQuest-TTU Career Center
1 advertising TTU Career Center
1 advertising Vivid Grip Pen (picked up as a sample from pen supply place)
total items (including pencil case) = 13

Post-Its by the Numbers
4 packs post-it 1 inch flags (link, turquoise, purple, lime green)
3 paks post-it .47 in flags (red, blue yellow)
total post-its = 7 packs

Other Items by the Numbers
1 purse clip on--Stitch (purchased at Disney World)
1 Goofy mints (purchased at Disney World-have been in there since Sept '05--never opened)
1 orange paper clip shaped like a person
1 .72 oz bag of Goldfish-Chocolate Grahams 100 Calorie pouches
1 Lubbock County Jury Summons (exempt since i am a college student)
1 datebook
1 bookmark (cool thing, you can clip your pen/highlighter to it)
1 empty Brach's StarBrites Spearmint wrapper
1 empty Wrigley's gum wrapper
1 MP3 player string lanyard
1 part of cd case--small piece broken off the case
1 clip on of #20 tony stewart (attached to outside of book bag)
1 lap top computer with outlet so i can plug in the electricity
1 cordless mouse (i hate using the touchpad function on my lap top)
1 copy of In Cold Blood by Truman Capote
total other items = 15

what does this say about me?

1. "Hi, my name is Trixie and I am a office supply addict."

2. I have Macgyver tendacies. You never know when that empty gum wrapper, goofy mints , 16 pens and MP3 lanyard could come in handy.

3. I am paranoid that the pen and highlighter supply will run out.

4. I just am THAT lazy that i don't clean out my book bag.

sometimes you just have to take stock of your life

Mar 28, 2006
Good Ole Axtell High
i was a little taken back the following story KWTX (Once here click on the story "Middle School Teacher Charged wtih Giving Alcohol to Minors)

I don't know the teacher personally, but I did go to school with her and her brother. Her brother was a year older than me in school. She was maybe 6-7 years younger than me. I found out her brother is on the school board as well.

Now I remember her brother very well. The nicest person you want to meet. He was a great athlete and he wasn't too bad on the eyes either. He would always have a smile on his face and even now when he sees my mom he asks how I am doing. I remember his parents as very nice and friendly people. So when I heard about this story before it was even in the news, I was shocked. What was she thinking?

(1) Someone who is clearly over the age of 21 giving alcohol to someone who is clearly under the age of 21 is illegal.
(2) She is a teacher. These are students. You don't cross that line...period.

I hope for whatever reason possessed her to do this she won't do again. And if she has some other issues, I hope she gets help.

rant of a crazy woman
i don't deny it--i am a crazy woman. i am use dthe fact that i am a gemini and that i have two sides to my personality--this morning one of personalities reared its ugly head.

i am usually a calm person and understand the whole customer service crap for i too work in area where customer service is important, but today i have been pushed too far.

monday, march 20
i am a season ticket holder at Texas Motor Speedway. season ticket packets aren't cheap(we chunked down about $800) and that is why when i hadn't received my tickets i became quite concerned. i asked my husband to call TMS to see what was up. the customer service person he spoke with said to wait until friday and then call back...she didn't even try to find out what happened to the tickets.

friday, march 21
my husband calls TMS back as as instructed and the other customer service person asked why the previous person didn't check on them...he was told that UPS delivered out tickets on February 28. UPS left the tickets outside our door because nobody was home .

[Sidebar--I don't like the fact that UPS just left my tickets outside my door. I live in an apartment complex and we have an office where items can be left for residents who are not at home to receive their packages. Why did this UPS person not think to do this? We have had several things delivered from them in the past and if we weren't home they were left in the apartment office. Just one more reason that USPS is the way to go.]

any hoo, he was told he would need to speak to another person (Brandy) about our tickets. ssince she was unavailable at the time he left her a message. i wasn't too upset because my husband called her late and right before five so i wasn't expecting a return phone call until monday

monday, march 27
Brandy called my husband back at 4:15 pm and tells him that i would have to call her because my name is on the account...ugh...i think my husband can handle this matter for me...i mean after all i had asked him to call on my behalf...fine... so i giver her a ring not 10 minutes after my husband talked with her...i was told she was either away from her desk or on the phone. so i left her two messages. I am becoming very frustrated at this point. let me remind you people "I AM A SEASON TICKET HOLDER!!!!" and the race is ONE WEEK AWAY!

tuesday, march 28
i tried to contact Brandy once more this morning--and left another message. i wanted to get things taken care of today b/c --well the race is next week. i make another attempt to contact this person and get a very snooty customer service person

Trixie: Yes, may I speak with Brandy?

Snooty TMS Rep: Which one? We have two in the office.

Trixie: I am not sure. I am trying to fix this problem with my ticket packet.

Snooty TMS Rep: She is on the phone right now. Have you left a message with her?

Trixie: Yes, but she hasn't returned my calls and I have been trying to get this taken care for about a week.

Snooty TMS Rep: She is a very busy person and she will call you back. She has several customers to take care of today and she is the only person who can help you.

Trixie: I understand that, but my tickets were stolen and I would like to get this taken care of.

Snooty TMS Rep: (once again in case i missed her ATTITUDE the firsttim), she will call you back just be patient. Have a nice day.

this is where i lost it...i am not calling just to ask questions lady...i want to know how i can get my tickets reissued to me because THEY WERE STOLEN. STOLEN--TAKEN BY SOMEONE WHO DID NOT PAY FOR THEM!!!! i understand i am not the only customer she has, but you don't have to be so SNOOTY TO ME. HEY--I AM A SEASON TICKET HOLDER!

After this "FUN FILLED TIME" with the customer service rep-- i call my ever patient husband and lay into him not on purpose mind you..i just needed to vent. i wasn't mad at him...after all he tried to help. Shortly after talking with said husband, Brandy (who i have been trying to reach) returns my phone call. She reassured me that my ticket packet for this season would be available for pickup next Thursday and the barcodes listed for the first packet were cancelled and new bar codes were issued. She also stated that if THESE THIEVES managed to get through the gate and sit in our seats, i could have the usher have the escorted off the premises. YIPEE!!!!

I would like to say thank you to Brandy for calling me back and alleviating my fears and anxiety about my tickets. This person treated me kindly and was very helpful unlike the other customer service representatives i had spoken.

Note--I have had nothing but positive experiences with TMS. Every time I have called regarding something on my account they have been very helpful, but I don't know what was up with Miss Snooty Customer Service Rep. Was she having a bad day? So was I. MY TICKETS HAD BEEN STOLEN and I wanted some assistance on how I could get them reissued. I was nice, said my please and thank yous, and I also told them I appreciated for helping me. I hope this rep has a better day tomorrow. UGH!

Mar 27, 2006
sporks, fruit loops, and taco villa, oh my
now that i have my nascar post out of the way for today i can ramble on about nothing.

what a little invention! for those of you who must live in a cave or are amish, a spork is a the ingenous invention which is both fork and spoon...hence the name spork. i recently acquired my spork from taco bell. Enjoy!

i just love fruitloops. i love to eat them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I prefer them without milk. In fact i have a full bag of fruitloops in my desk drawer for a mid afternoon snack yum.

taco villa
i love their tacos. don't know why, but every time i go there--tacos is what i get. i went in the other day to purchase said tacos to find not one, not two, but three people working one register. ok..they were all trying to figure out what was wrong with the register..then one suddenly cash drawer is stuck. ugh---only the best are hired at taco villa

Thunder Valley
what an exciting day at Bristol--a bump and run finish with kenseth getting the bump from kurt---you knew he was going to do it wasn't much of surprise when kurt "bumped" kenseth out of the way for the victory. It was nice to see the #2 in victory lane, unfortunately for me i would have rather seen rusty there instead of "Big Shrub".

[Sidebar #1-- I haven't mentioned much aobut this, but i think it is time. Why on ear did Kurt have his ears pinned back? For whatever reason, come on. You are in the spot light--everything about you will be scruntinized. What about all the "fat" jokes Tony had laid upon him last year? I am sure someone in the dark corners of his race hauler this things bothered Tony, but if you can't laugh at yourself who can you laught at??? ]

oh well...back to more important things

i was somewhat irritated by the fact that kenseth bumped jeff. this caused jeff to end up 21st instead of in the top 10. damn you kenseth! note to kenseth--when you poke the sleeping bear and it wakes, don't run over there and try to hug it. you should have waited until jeff calmed down a bit..instead you went over to him to explain things and then you are surprised by the fact of the way he reacted...dude--- not the crunchiest chip in the bag are ya??? hey--kenseth...paybacks are a bitch--watch out! you boys are heading to martinsville next week--(evil laugh...evil laugh)

Tony finished 12th after having a good car and leading with the most laps with 245. Tony quotes, "I am really disappointed. We had an awesome car, I felt like I ran the most patient race I have ever run at Bristol. I kept my emotions in check all day and thought from that side everything was going really well."

Martin Truex got a Bristol lesson from both Jeff and Tony yesterday. Sure, the one from Jeff was uncalled for, but it's Bristol, however, when Truex was trying to "get back" at Jeff he was holding up the the rest of the cars behind him who were obviously faster. Thanks Tony for that lesson in "move your ass out of my way".

[Sidebar #2]--I usually don't mention the Busch or even the truck fesitivities unless my drivers are involved, but what was up with the snow on Saturday? But I can relate to the extreme weather--i live in lubbock. last week alone we had rain, wind, snow, fog, and sun. I would like to say Fox makes weather delays interesting unlike NBC. Thanks guys

On to Martinsville and then Texas!

Good Luck boys!

Paul Dana
In Memorium
Paul Dana

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Mar 24, 2006
Gotta love Tony's shirt!!!

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and of course---tony and jeff---what is a girl supposed to do?

so many racers---so little time

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Just the Facts
yes...thank god it is friday. this means in two weeks i will be at TMS (Texas Motor Speedway)! Can't wait!

i have been doing this blogging thing for about a year now. it has been an interesting learning experience. i have found it to be somewhat fun. i never kept a diary or journal as a child--i guess i just wasn't very disciplined enough. This is soooooo much better. i found several interesting "blogs" during this process, some i read every day with out fail and others...well, come on people, if you want to keep me interested post something---damn it! i will be the first to admit that blogging takes time--some days i don't have it, but here lately i have been some what a fanatic about making sure i post something of some interest. for those of you who have recently ventured into the "blogasphere" welcome. it's free and definately way cheaper than a therapist.

i don't usually talk too much about things in my personal life on this particular blog, but i just have to on this one thing. i had my first mammogram yesterday--that's right folks i got "SQUISHED". it wasn't as bad as i had played it out in my head--i was thinking there it was going to be some medievel torture device the way my doctor described it, but it wasn't all that bad--i was in there maybe 15 minutes. the lady who was there was pretty nice--could have been a little more friendlier and understanding of why i was there, but all in all not too bad of an experience for me---everything turned out ok. so don't be afraid of the Squish!

March Madness
March Madness has struck again! last night Duke (#1 seed) was beaten by LSU...Gonzaga was beaten by UCLA after Gonzaga DOMINATED the entire game--UCLA scored the last 11 points of the game...and Texas beat West Virginia...even though i am all about state pride---i really wanted W VA to an alum from TTU it is very difficult for me to rout for Texas to win in anything...i will admit i did want Texas to beat USC in the rose bowl--state pride and all, plus all the media was just falling all over USC--Texas clearly was the better team at that point. Last night's results really screwed up my husband's bracket--HE ALWAYS PICKS DUKE TO GO TO THE FINAL FOUR--not this year baby! I hope Texas doesn't win the tourney--UGH--that will mean more people wearing burnt orange--not a good color on most people.

Last but certainly not least---NASCAR! It's short track time! I love to watch short track racing--all the beatin' and bangin' going on--tempers flaring--makes for some EXCELLENT racing! Good Luck boys!

Mar 22, 2006
Weather Craziness
As you may know accoridng to my blog I live in Raiderland--aka Lubbock, Texas. For those of you who don't know where that is--it is someone where between middle of nowhere and BFE. Don't get me wrong, I like living in Lubbock, but the weather here can sometimes be a BITCH!

Here is a little sample of the weather over the last several days

Saturday, March 18: Rain (which we needed)--hadn't had a decent rain since October. With this rain came the usual flooded streets--we are flat out here with an ok drainage systems and playa lakes.

Sunday, March 19: Rain--sort of on and off throughout the day--thunderstorms rolled on trhough during the nighttime hours--this gave our local meterologists something to do...gotta love dueling Dopplers.

Monday, March 20: FREAKIN' WIND!!! For those of you who don't know Lubbock has 5 seasons--the usually spring, summer, fall, winter and our fifth Windy Season. It is a sight to behold to see half of New Mexico blow in during one of these wind storms. Some times when this happens and it rains---your get to see the phenomenon of what we like to call "raining mud". Luckily, since it rained over the weekend the dirt was too wet to be lifted by what seemed like hurricane force winds...UGH!!!

Tuesday, March 21: Not so bad--someone closed the barn door--it was breezy, but not like Monday. The sun was out and it was kind of a nice day.

Wednesday, March 22: COLD!!!! feel it down to your bones COLD!!! and here's the kicker---THERE'S A CHANCE FOR SNOW (1-3 INCHES) of course the weather people assure us that it won't accumulate! It is March people. This is the first week of spring, what is the deal???

Outlook for Sunday and Monday--70 degree weather!!!!

So this means we have had every kind of weather except a tornado---of course I am not going to rule out that either!!!

hope the weather is good where you are!

Mar 21, 2006
Atlanta--Day 2
The race got underway on Monday and I was NOT able to be home to watch it! DAMN---work sure gets into the way of my happiness!!!! But I did get to listen to it on Trackpass--whoopee, freakin' do! If you have every listened to any kind of sproting event on the radio, you know my pain. Listening to a NASCAR race via the "radio" is bad especially when the announcers get all excited.

Kasey Kahne won the race and it sounded like Mark Martin was giving him a battle--noticed sounded like--for all I know Mark could have been further back...UGH!!

Jeff G. finished 4th while Tony finished 5th his best finish since Daytona.

On to short track racing boys---Bristol!!

Buckle up boys----it is going to be a bumpy ride!!!

Mar 19, 2006
Rain, Rain Go Away
Well--the race was rained out today in Atlanta. They will try to get the race underway tomorrow. Great--I won't get to watch the race, however since I have Track Pass, I will able to listen to the race.

I have felt lost today. I didn't know what to do without my racing. It's different when there's an off week. I am prepared and do other things, but today...i just didn't have anything to do.

Well--I will just have to listen and look for highlights on ESPN and the web.

UGH--good look tomorrow boys.

Mar 14, 2006
Leaving Las Vegas
Rolled the dice and crapped out! Tony finished 21 after running good all day. Which didn't help my chances in the Pick 'Em contest I am in. I picked Tony to finish 7th and if he had finished in the top 10, I would be sitting pretty right now. Oh well--on to Atlanta.

Still don't know what him and little shrub are squabbling about?? Tony--get the hedge trimmers and show shrub what it is all about. You were just racing. Hey--little shrub--quit whining and race. You did finish better than Tony. I believe you were one of three Hendrick drivers to finish in the top 5.

Jeff G. had a great race finishing in the top 5. Great race Jeff!

Yes the green/white checker came out again. Poor Matt Kenseth--that last caution really killed his chances of winning the race. If it had stayed green he would have won--Jimmie would not have caught him. But I guess that's what racing is all about.

Funny how Jimmie has been running good since Chad's departure. One more race without him. He will be back at Bristol.

On to Atlanta boys---see ya there.

Mar 9, 2006
You Can't Fix Stupid
you can't fix stupid--why can't you fix stupid? there should be some kind of medicine you could give someone and POOF, no more stupid. or if that doesn't work give me some kind of booster shot to protect me from the stupid people of the world--here are some other people that i feel i should have some kind of booster shot for or at least a stun gun to get rid of them

people i love to hate
1. people who wear too much perfume and/or cologne or don't take baths--we don't want to smell the stink either way
2. drivers who don't use turn signals--i'm not psychic
3. drivers who MUST feel the need to share their music with everyone else in traffic--i do this occassionally because sometimes you gotta jam, but when i approach an intersection i turn my radio down--i don't think the car load of gray hairs want to hear bon jovi--if they do...rock on!
4. Pedal on the right--green means go--red stop.
5. stupid people--no one in particular today
6. pedestrians who don't look both ways when crossing the street--i will run over you!
7. people who tell you it's imperative you contact them and then when you do and you leave a message don't return your call--- you stated it was imperative i get a hold of you--i don't have time to play phone tag
8. junk email--come on--do you really think i am going to send my personal information to you???
9. shoes that hurt my feet--not really a person--it's just my feet are killing me
10. co-workers who can't keep their mouths shut--i really don't care that jim bob is having a prostate exam--if i wanted to know that jim bob was going in for a prostate exam i would have asked jim bob myself
11. people who drive in parade mode--there's a speed limit for a reason--if are going to be in parade mode, GET IN THE RIGHT LANE!!!
12. papercuts--not people, but damn those things hurt
13. people who wear clothes that are too small/tight/not age appropriate--just because they make in your size doesn't mean you should wear--mirrors are a good thing
14. politicians

whew--that's a lot of people--i am tired

Mar 7, 2006
Viva Las Vegas
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The boys are in Vegas this week! I hope lady luck is with Tony.

Have a great weekend!

Mar 2, 2006
Happy Texas Independence Day
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It is March 2, 2006---Happy Texas independence Day!

170 years ago today, Texas gained its independence

I had a conversation yesterday regarding the Texas attitude. I guess those who are don't live in Texas don't understand what it is like to be from Texas. We are the greatest state in the union. How Texas became Texas is quite an interesting read. I mean come on--do you really think it would be interesting to study the birth of Ohio? I think not--even though I am from Ohio--moved to Texas when I was five--I am a Texan. So as you go about your work day (this should be a state holiday) take a moment to remember Texas. Put in a Willie CD, have a bowl of chili, a cold Shiner, and a slice of pecan pie and remember how lucky you are to be in Texas!

Facts about Texas

  • 2nd largest state in the US
  • Current governor: Rick Perry
  • Current President of US, George W. Bush from Texas
  • State nickname: Lone Star State
  • State capital: Austin
  • State bird: Mockingbird
  • State flower: Bluebonnet
  • State dish: chili
  • State tree: pecan
  • State motto: friendship
  • State song: "Texas, Our Texas"

The Six Flags of Texas

Image hosting by PhotobucketUS: 1845-1861; 1865-present

Image hosting by PhotobucketConfederacy: 1861-1865

Image hosting by PhotobucketRepublic: 1836-1845

Image hosting by PhotobucketMexico: 1821-1836

Image hosting by Photobucket France: 1685-1690

Image hosting by PhotobucketSpain: 1519-1685; 1690-1821

"W" for Governor
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